No More Wasting Of Time, Effort And Opportunities.

How Would You Like To Open Up Your Letter Box And Finally See That Long-Awaited ICA Approval Letter?

Discover How You Can Maximise Your Chances Of Getting PR And Finally Secure That ICA Approval –

There’s only ONE simple way to put it.

You want to get that Singapore PR for yourself (and your family), period.

Yet, as immigration experts with 50+ years of actual combined immigration experience and genuine Ministry background, we saw candidates getting REJECTED all the time (some of them 3rd-time applicants!).

That’s right…

Even if one possesses a good income, good job, good position, good education, young age, have kids, or is of a certain favourable group (as so often assumed by the public), it’s no guarantee that he/she can have their PR approved.


The sad truth remains that ICA’s strict criteria for PR approval are still not very well understood by most PR applicants and the market is flooded with many false assumptions on this.

It doesn’t help that ICA does not disclose their reasons for rejection, and since 2009, only approximately 30,000 out of 100,000 PR applicants have been approved yearly.

In other words, that’s LESS THAN 30% SUCCESS RATE for even a ‘good profile’ applicant!

It’s no wonder so many PR applicants get rejected, have no idea what went wrong, apply again, eventually lose hope AFTER YEARS, and finally give up! – even if they’re in fact, more than eligible.

Yes, imagine YEARS of time, opportunities and effort wasted when they could have in fact done it right, from the 1st try.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be you.

What if you can INSTEAD maximise your chance of getting PR and understand what ICA wants without wasting YEARS of DIY, opportunities and headache?

Now, if that’s what you are looking for, we may have the most accurate and no-nonsense solution you desire.

Hear From Actual Xignam Clients

Understand EXACTLY HOW We LEGITIMATELY Maximise Your Chances At Getting PR And Finally Secure That ICA Approval Letter

Introducing Customised PR Approval Chance Assessment with Xignam

How We Maximise Your PR Approval Chance And The Value We Provide

Step 1:
Assessing Your Current Strengths & Weaknesses Via Your Customised Assessment

Too many applicants got consistently rejected because they may have relied too much on certain considerations like mere length of stay, having a son, and income level.

It doesn’t help that PR quotas are getting more competitive in today’s environment.

This however, also present opportunities for those who have an edge to differentiate themselves. During your Customised Assessment, we uncover:

  • All your hidden strengths and weaknesses
  • What’s missing in your application
  • Mistakes hidden in plain sight
  • Your current PR approval chance and
  • Proven strategies to improve based on our propriety database

Step 2:
Understanding What ICA’s Criteria Are (Not As Easy As Most Think)

There are additional interconnected government metrics used in determining PR Approval. It’s critical that you gain full clarity when applying to avoid fatal mistakes.

Metrics like:

  • Your contribution to top-performing industry sectors in Singapore
  • Approving of both top-income and low-income earners to bridge income inequality
  • Your effort to integrate into the society
  • How you fit into the government’s political aspirations and future General Elections
  • Your success rate due to quota changes from the impact of COVID-19
  • The value you provide in solving Singapore’s low birth rate and ageing population

Step 3:
Bridging The Gap Between What ICA Wants And Your Value Proposition

Many applicants are either too busy to build up their case or make the major mistakes of not reflecting their strengths and value clearly.

The documents provided could also be in their own native language, thereby penalising their success rate.

But with the help of our immigration specialists, your PR application is backed by professional translators (we work with professional external service providers), full-time policy analysts, ex-ministry researchers, our propriety in-house whitepapers, and more importantly, thousands of strong profile success case studies.

Even better? No confusion or headache as we’ll specify the exact documents required for submission.

Step 4:
Reinforcement Of Your PR Application

It’s not done yet until your application is approved.

After submission, do inform us if there’re certain event in your life that could’ve potentially increase your PR chance.

We will do the updates for you to ICA.

Why Choose Xignam

Enjoy Higher Approval Chance Than The Industry Average

Do you know that it’s not enough to simply submit a plain submission? You also need to CONVINCE the ICA officer that you’re the right fit in Singapore.

At XIGNAM, our immigration experts have 50+ years of actual immigration experience and genuine Ministry background.

By leveraging on such close-door insights, we can conservatively say that based on our track record since 2014, our clients enjoy the higher approval chances of 40+% compared to the average of 30% industry average.

Now, before you rush to engage us, do understand that ultimately, the decision still lies with ICA.

But if you’re looking to truly maximise your PR Approval Chance, Xignam is probably as good as it gets.

Expect Zero Hard-Selling, LEGITIMATE Value-For-Money, And Risk-Free Professional Advice

You may or may not know that there’re illegitimate firms out there with no real knowledge about PR approval, hard-sell/offer discounts with false promises of up to 90%-98% success rates, and with NO FOLLOW UP except for a piece of make-do cover letter.

At XIGNAM, we strictly do not engage in unethical hard-selling tactics. Instead, you’ll receive a customised in-person assessment of your strengths & weaknesses, discover what exactly is causing all these past rejections and how exactly you can boost your PR approval chances realistically. The best part? ALL FREE and you’re completely free to walk away with no pressure.

Like the 3000+ happy clients we have before you (excluding the other thousands others who benefitted from our free assessment), our aim is NEVER to pressurise. Rather, it’s to impress you with so much up-front value that you’ll find that it is a pretty much no-brainer to go with us.

Hassle-Free & Stress-Free PR Application – Hand Holding You From Start To Finish

You probably already know that PR application is highly confusing and tedious. Not to mention that there is no way of identifying what went wrong, since ICA does not disclose such reasons.

The last thing you need is probably an inexperienced professional to complicate things and provide more wrong advice.

Our immigration specialists are fully supported by years of research data, exclusive insights, propriety advantage, successful year-by-year case studies, proven SOP (Standard Operating Procedures), re-training, ex-ministry experiences and do not work in silo but as an efficient team.

Our accurate knowledge about policies and guidelines set out by ICA, EDB and MOM allow us to effectively present our client’s appeal better.

These make your process hassle-free, stress-free and efficient while eliminating YEARS of trial-and-error.

Reputable & Specialised Immigration Experts, Fully Accountable To You

Would you prefer a specialist or a generalist to get the job done? And how about a team who treats your PR application not as a pure money-making opportunity, but as a turning point in your life.

Yes, BOTH specialisation and ethics matter a lot and are the primary reasons why we set up Xignam. As such, every single Xignam expert is focused on PR/SC application and policy knowledge. In fact, relative to Full-Fledged Immigration Law Firms and Pure Consultancy Firms, you may find our rates to be lower without compromising on quality. Fees will be made transparent to you on paper as well, so you’ll never be caught off guard.

But that’s not all. Our full faces have been put forward online for all to see since 2014. As such, we held ourselves to the HIGHEST professional standards. We also want our clients to feel supported throughout the application process with quick response time. Simply put, you’re in safe hands.

I’m Still Not Sure… Maybe I Should Try Again On My Own?

Many of our customers were initially worried that they would be overpaying for something they could’ve easily do themselves.

And in fact, we do encourage all potential applicants to apply on their own first or try applying again before making a more informed decision.

However, we also understand that to a great many, it’s like ‘navigating a jungle again and again with a poorly pieced-together map’ when they could’ve easily used a proven & more accurate one.

This is especially crucial if they don’t want to waste YEARS on PR application with NO END IN SIGHT while risk losing job opportunities, a stable marriage life, or their child’s future during those years.

Every PR application submission SHOULD count.

And that, is the value IASG provides.

“An already well pieced-together map, with an experienced guide, hand-holding you all the way to your final goal without letting go.”

In fact, we ask again that you don’t take our word for it but see the full picture for yourself – free with no pressure.

I’m Still Not Sure… Maybe I Should Try Again On My Own?

Many of our customers were initially worried that they would be overpaying for something they could’ve easily do themselves.

And in fact, we do encourage all potential applicants to apply on their own first or try applying again before making a more informed decision.

However, we also understand that to a great many, it’s like ‘navigating a jungle again and again with a poorly pieced-together map’ when they could’ve easily used a proven & more accurate one.

This is especially crucial if they don’t want to waste YEARS on PR application with NO END IN SIGHT while risk losing job opportunities, a stable marriage life, or their child’s future during those years.

Every PR application submission SHOULD count.

And that, is the value IASG provides.

“An already well pieced-together map, with an experienced guide, hand-holding you all the way to your final goal without letting go.”

In fact, we ask again that you don’t take our word for it but see the full picture for yourself – free with no pressure.

This Could Be You!

*Now, we’re not saying that we guarantee a 100% approval chance (no one can), but if you’re looking to truly MAXIMISE your chance, IASG is probably as good as it gets.

Our Credentials & Media Features

What To Expect During Your PR Application With Xignam

1. Customize Assessment Of Current Approval Chance

2. Maximise PR Approval Chance With Xignam's Service(1-3 months)

3. Submission Of Results & Furnishing Of New Updates To ICA (6-9 months)

4. Receive PR Approval Letter

5. If rejected, appeal. (3-6 months).

6. Receive PR Approval Letter

Who We Help

Professionals Holding
S-Pass And Above

Foreign Students
& Their Parents

Spouse &


About Us

Xignam’s all-encompassing service model positions us as the leading experts for those seeking to relocate to Singapore, whether for business incorporation, Immigration, or investment.

Xignam is derived from the Latin word Signum which means “seal of approval” and we are accredited by the Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).

Frequently Asked Questions

Officially, there are no other investment programs in Singapore other than the Global Investor Program. In the past, there was the Financial Investor Scheme, which has been discontinued.
The options for the program are tailored to the applicant’s needs on a case-to-case basis. Most clients opt for the fund investment option or family office function as they do not require a detailed business plan. However, EDB prefers applicants pursuing Option A due to the direct benefit to the Singapore Economy.
This is due to the low barrier of entry in setting up the investment firm. No MAS approval is required if the structure of the PIC is set up correctly. However, there are no special tax exemptions and only the regular tax incentives of a Private Limited Company.
Xignam has a network base of hundreds of SMEs, some of which are our clients. We would be happy to introduce them to you should this be an option you are looking for.
The PVIP Program is a 20-year visa program, while MM2H is only for five years. PVIP also allows individuals to work and operate companies in the country, like Malaysian residents, with no minimum stay requirement for the applicant.

Don’t Waste Years Of Time, Effort & Opportunities. Discover How You Can LEGITIMATELY & SAFELY MAXIMISE Your PR Approval Chance For Free Now

As you can see, IASG has the comprehensive resources and track record to maximise your PR approval – even if you’ve failed multiple times, feel that it’s impossible to get, or think you may not be qualified enough to apply.

But maybe you’re still not fully convinced yet. That’s ok!

Simply claim your free IASG’s PR Approval Chance Customised Assessment (worth $500) below and we will:

  • Assess your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to PR application
  • Uncover what’s missing in your current application
  • Show you what are the exact obstacles that may lead to your PR rejection
  • Share exclusive insights on Singapore current landscape and what ICA is looking out for
  • Discover why 3000+ clients before you enjoy a higher approval chance than industry average
  • A deeper look into how we can truly you boost your approval chance based on your personal circumstance and potential ICA’s criteria

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