Benefits and Challenges of ONE PASS

In 2023, the Singapore government introduced the newest work pass to attract global talent, Overseas Network and Expertise Pass. It is designed to attract top talent from all fields ranging from business, arts and culture, sports, science and technology to academia and research. With that said, have you considered applying for PR under this scheme? These are the benefits and advantages this pass has that might attract you:

  • With this visa, your pass will be valid for 5 years and can be renewed afterwards
  • You can apply PR for your family under this scheme
  • There is an exemption for salary criteria for individuals with exceptional achievements in the arts and culture, sports, sciences and technology and research and academia if they do not meet the salary criterion

Besides, as you do not need to be tied to just one employer, you are able to take on multiple roles to reach the fixed monthly salary of S$30,000. The visa holder is also eligible to start their own company in Singapore as a business owner. Aside from that, you do not need to have an existing job offer to apply for ONE pass. You are eligible to apply as long as you can show that you have been making S$30,000 per month previously overseas.

In addition, your dependents who may want to move to Singapore with you, are allowed to work by applying for the Letter of Consent (LOC). The LOC will give them the right to work and own a business after moving to Singapore.

Nevertheless, it can be very challenging to apply for the pass due to its stringent criteria. As this is a very new work visa with tough conditions, each application will be vet through thoroughly by the government. Other challenges also include the inability to secure a job in Singapore to meet the minimum salary requirement. This is a problem as the pass holders’ salary will be assessed annually.

However, there is no doubt that ONE Pass is a great scheme which will allow you to work and live in Singapore.

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