ONE Pass Singapore: Requirements and Benefits for Working Professionals

ONE Pass Singapore: Requirements and Benefits for Working Professionals | Xignam

The ONE Pass aims to attract top talents worldwide to various sectors, enhancing Singapore’s role as a leading centre for innovation and business. This pass caters to high-earning leaders and professionals, allowing them to work and contribute to Singapore’s economy without being tied to one employer. Part of Singapore’s strategy to stay competitive for global talent, the ONE Pass shows its dedication to building a lively and varied workforce.

The ONE Pass sets high salary requirements and focuses on people with strong leadership backgrounds or contributions in their areas, ensuring only those likely to benefit Singapore’s economy and innovation get access. This method fits Singapore’s aim to shift towards more valuable industries and remain a leading financial and tech centre. It also makes an appealing offer to top talents, giving them more career flexibility and a chance to join in Singapore’s dynamic economic growth.

The launch of the ONE Pass by Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM) shows the country’s active approach to keeping up with the fast-evolving global economy. Singapore wants to boost its competitiveness and keep growing economically by bringing in and keeping top professionals. This move not only makes Singapore an attractive place for worldwide talents but also puts it at the forefront of defining the future of work and innovation globally.

What is ONE Pass?

In the fast-changing world of global talent movement, Singapore’s MOM has rolled out an exciting option: the ONE Pass. This new pass aims to make the city more attractive to top professionals worldwide. Let’s look at the ONE Pass, how it differs from other work passes such as the Employment Pass (EP) and Personalised Employment Pass (PEP), and the special flexibilities it provides.

Definition and Purpose

The ONE Pass is a unique work pass designed to draw leading talents to Singapore, boosting its role as a world centre for innovation, finance, and technology. Aimed at high-earning leaders, famous professionals, and entrepreneurs, the ONE Pass allows them to contribute to Singapore’s economy without being tied to one employer. The main aim is to attract people known for their outstanding achievements and leadership in their areas, thus creating a diverse talent pool.

Comparison with Employment Pass, Personalised Employment Pass

FeatureEntrePassEmployment Pass (EP)Personalised Employment Pass (PEP)ONE Pass
Who it is forEligible foreign entrepreneurs keen to operate a business in Singapore that is venture-backed or possesses innovative technologiesForeign professionals, managers, and executives with a job offer in Singapore who meet eligibility criteriaHigh-earning EP holders or overseas foreign professionalsHigh-earning leaders, renowned professionals, and entrepreneurs
Who can applyCandidate can apply directlyEmployer or appointed employment agent on behalf of the candidateCandidate who meets eligibility criteria can apply directlyCandidate can apply directly
Minimum salaryNo stipulated minimum salaryStarting from $5,000, up to $10,500 for those in their mid-40s; higher for the financial services sectorEarn a fixed monthly salary of at least $22,500Earn a fixed monthly salary of at least S$30,000 for the past 12 months
DurationNew pass and first renewal: 1 year<br>Subsequent renewals: 2 yearsFirst-time candidates: up to 2 years
Renewals: up to 3 years; up to 5 years for certain tech professionals
Up to 3 yearsUp to 5 years
Is it renewableYes, upon meeting the renewal criteriaYesNo, issued only onceYes
FeaturesFlexibility to start and operate a business in Singapore
Availability of passes for eligible family members
No foreign worker levy or quota is required
Availability of passes for eligible family members<br>No foreign worker levy or quota is requiredFlexibility to hold a job in any sector

No need to reapply if changing jobs

Stay in Singapore for up to 6 months without a job

Availability of passes for eligible family members

No foreign worker levy or quota required
No Employer Ties

Broad Spectrum of Opportunities

Extended Validity Period

Family Inclusion

Unique Characteristics and Flexibility Offered by the ONE Pass

What sets the ONE Pass apart from its counterparts are its unparalleled flexibility and the unique benefits it provides:

  1. No Employer Ties: Unlike the EP, the ONE Pass is attached to the individual and not the employing company. This allows professionals to start and operate a business in Singapore independently. The holder does not have to reapply if the employer changes and does not have to prove employment in Singapore prior to applying for the visa, provided the overseas income requirement is met.
  1. Broad Spectrum of Opportunities: The pass caters to high-earning executives, leading professionals, and entrepreneurs, making it appealing across various industries and sectors. This fosters diversity in talent, particularly beneficial for companies with revenues exceeding SGD 200M annually and a market capitalization value of 200 USD, as ONE Pass holders bring valuable expertise and knowledge from their experiences with major industry players.
  1. Duration and Renewability: Unlike other passes, the ONE Pass offers a 5-year validity period, providing stability and certainty for global talents planning to significantly impact Singapore.
  1. Family Inclusion: Recognising the importance of family support for long-term relocation, the ONE Pass allows for the inclusion of immediate family members, making it an attractive option for talents looking to move with their loved ones.

Benefits of the ONE Pass

Singapore’s innovative approach to attracting global talent shines through its introduction of the ONE Pass. This initiative not only enhances Singapore’s competitiveness on the international stage but also offers a suite of benefits to meet the needs of top-tier talents and their families. Let’s explore the key advantages that set the ONE Pass apart, underscoring its appeal to prospective applicants.

1. Exemption from COMPASS and FCF Job Advertising Requirements

One of the most significant benefits of the ONE Pass is its exemption from the Comprehensive Assessment Framework for S Pass and Employment Pass (COMPASS) and the Fair Consideration Framework (FCF) job advertising requirements. This exemption streamlines the process for global talents, offering:

  • Simplified Application Process: By bypassing the COMPASS and FCF requirements, ONE Pass holders can avoid the extensive paperwork and waiting periods typically associated with these assessments. This makes the relocation and employment transition smoother and faster for top talents.
  • Direct Access to Opportunities: The exemption allows for a direct pathway to employment opportunities in Singapore, removing barriers that might deter high-calibre professionals from considering Singapore as their next career destination.

2. Extended Validity Period and Flexibility in Job Changes

The ONE Pass distinguishes itself with an extended validity period, significantly longer than that of many other work passes, providing:

  • Long-Term Stability: The extended validity period offers a sense of security and stability to professionals, encouraging them to invest their skills and expertise in Singapore’s industries over the long term.
  • Unparalleled Professional Mobility: Unlike traditional work passes that require holders to reapply or notify when changing employers, the ONE Pass allows for seamless job transitions. This flexibility is invaluable for professionals exploring various sectors or taking on new challenges without bureaucratic hurdles.

3. Spousal Work Opportunities with a Letter of Consent

Recognising the importance of family in relocation decisions, the ONE Pass extends benefits to spouses, offering:

  • Inclusive Family Support: Spouses of ONE Pass holders are eligible to work in Singapore with a Letter of Consent (LOC), making the transition feasible and attractive for families. This aspect particularly appeals to top talents who consider the professional opportunities available to their partners as a critical factor in their relocation decisions.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: The opportunity for spouses to engage in professional activities contributes to a better quality of life and integration into Singapore’s society, ensuring families can thrive together.
  • Attracting Diverse Talents: By accommodating the professional aspirations of spouses, Singapore broadens its appeal to a diverse range of global talents, enriching its workforce with a broad spectrum of skills and perspectives.
Who is Eligible for ONE Pass | Xignam

Who is Eligible for ONE Pass?

Singapore’s new ONE Pass aims to attract and keep top global talents, helping the city stay a leading centre for business, innovation, and technology. The criteria for the ONE Pass are carefully chosen to find people who can impact Singapore’s economy and society. Let’s look at the critical requirements for potential candidates, such as salary levels, conditions for candidates from abroad, renewal terms, and how exceptional achievements are valued.

Salary Criterion Details

The ONE Pass targets the upper echelon of global professionals, with a stringent salary criterion acting as the primary filter:

  • High Salary Threshold: To be eligible for the ONE Pass, candidates must demonstrate a high earning potential with a minimum fixed monthly salary. This requirement ensures that only top-tier professionals, expected to make significant contributions to Singapore’s economy, qualify.
    • Eligibility Criteria:
  1. Existing Salary:

Earn a fixed monthly salary of at least S$30,000, or its equivalent in foreign currency, for the past 12 consecutive months. For overseas candidates, it’s also essential to demonstrate employment with an established company overseas for at least one year.

  1. Prospective Salary:

Will receive a fixed monthly salary of at least S$30,000 from an established company based in Singapore.

Eligibility Criteria for Overseas Candidates Without Active Work Passes

For overseas professionals eyeing the ONE Pass, there are specific criteria to ensure they meet Singapore’s high standards:

A. Salary Requirement

CriteriaEligibility Details
Existing SalaryEarn a fixed monthly salary of at least S$30,000, or its equivalent in foreign currency, for the last 12 consecutive months.
If overseas, demonstrate employment with an established company overseas for at least one year.
Prospective SalaryWill receive a fixed monthly salary of at least S$30,000 from an established company based in Singapore.
Single Employer RuleIf salaries were drawn from multiple employers in the last 12 months, the qualifying salary of at least S$30,000 should come from only one employer.

B. Company Assessment

CriteriaEligibility Details
Company DefinitionTo be considered established, a company must have:<br> – Market capitalisation or valuation of at least US$500 million

Annual revenue of at least US$200 million

Combined amounts from the global office are considered on a case-by-case basis.

B. Company Assessment

CriteriaEligibility Details
Company DefinitionTo be considered established, a company must have:<br> – Market capitalisation or valuation of at least US$500 million

Annual revenue of at least US$200 million

Combined amounts from the global office are considered on a case-by-case basis.

C. Qualifying Through Outstanding Achievements

CriteriaEligibility Details
Documented AchievementsComprehensive documentation of achievements, including awards, recognitions, and endorsements from reputable organisations.
Diverse FieldsRecognises outstanding achievements in various fields, from sports and arts to academia and research.

MOM and other agencies such as MCCY, MOE, NRF, and A*STAR will holistically review applications based on each applicant’s work and key achievements.

D. Renewal Criteria

CriteriaEligibility Details
Salary-Based RenewalEarned an average fixed monthly salary of at least S$30,000 over the past 5 years in Singapore.
Entrepreneurial RenewalStarted and operated a Singapore-based company employing at least 5 locals, each earning a fixed monthly salary of at least S$5,000 (pegged to the EP minimum qualifying wage).

Eligibility Assessment Scenarios for Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass

Company ACompany BTotal Fixed Monthly SalaryAm I Eligible?

Additional Notes

  1. Other sources of income may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Existing pass holders must have worked in Singapore for at least 1 year.
Xignam’s Immigration Services

Xignam’s Immigration Services

Xignam offers a range of immigration services in Singapore aimed at assisting individuals with Singapore Permanent Residency and Citizenship applications, as well as various work pass applications like the Employment Pass, S Pass, EntrePass, Personalised Employment Pass, One Pass/Tech Pass, and Dependent Pass. They provide comprehensive, high-quality service, focusing on hassle-free, creative solutions within immigration rules. Xignam’s approach is results-driven, leveraging industry-tested methods and fostering value-added partnerships to enhance the success rate of applications. 

Xignam boasts an impressive record of successful applications for its clients, showcasing its expertise in navigating Singapore’s immigration system. They offer detailed consultation and guidance throughout the visa application process, ensuring applicants are well-informed and prepared at every step. This approach significantly enhances the chances of a positive outcome. 

To Sum It Up

Singapore’s ONE Pass is a pivotal initiative to attract top global professionals, making it easier for them to work and live in Singapore. It removes the need for job ads under COMPASS and FCF, offers longer validity with job flexibility, and lets spouses work, too. This approach shows Singapore’s dedication to welcoming and integrating world-class talent into its economy.

To acquire ONE Pass, applicants must meet specific criteria, including a high salary threshold, a track record for those without current work passes, and specific renewal requirements tied to earnings and business activity. Achievements in various areas are also valued, with necessary proof of excellence. These standards ensure that only highly skilled and influential individuals join Singapore’s talent pool.

If you want to apply for Singapore’s ONE Pass and make the city your new work base, Xignam is here to help. Their team offers personalised advice and support throughout the application, making your process smoother and more likely to succeed. With Xignam, you can start your path to exploring incredible opportunities in one of the world’s leading talent hubs.

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